This is my weekly flash fiction prompt, a short story based on a picture prompt. Enjoy!
Amanda stared at the rock that came
up to her chest. What fun it would be to
stand on that rock and see the world below. She turned to her grandfather
and pointed to the big structure. She raised her arms to him. “Papa? Upsies?”
Papa smiled, shaking his head no. “Climb
up. You can do it.”
With a knitted brow, Amanda turned
back to the rock. She put her hands on it; her mouth turning to a pout. “I can’t.”
Papa pointed to her and used his
fingers to walk around the other side.
Amanda stared at him, perplexed. She
walked to the other side and noticed the rock was slightly lower. Leaning her
stomach on the top, she pulled one knee up, pushing and panting until she lay on
the rock.
Amanda stood, threw her arms up and
yelled to Papa.
“I did it”
“I did it”