Wednesday, January 1, 2014


January 01, 2014

One year later, another year young. 

2013 was quite a year, full of many changes and decisions.  First off, I retired August 1st and I haven't looked back. Secondly, we sold our home, but are here for the winter at least before we set out on a new adventure on Vancouver Island. 

We love the ranchlands and the spirited people of the Cariboo and it will be hard to leave. However, we will have lots of great memories to take with us and facebook to keep us in touch. I'm looking forward to breaking new ground, making new friends and finding new fuel for future books.

My retirement gave me time to finish my sequel, Chasing Georgia. Yes...I said finish. I'm in the editing and rewrite stage and will be finished this month. I will keep you updated on the publishing date.

As for family, my dear mother at 91 years of age is still going strong. Although her Alzheimers is becoming more apparent, she still knows us all which is a blessing. One of my sisters had a major health crisis this year but is recovering and growing stronger each day. Two of my grandchildren are out of school, a fact I find so hard to believe.

Life is good and I try to live a day at a time, cherishing the fact that I am so lucky to live in a free society, in a country free from war, in a province full of natural beauty, in a home I can call my own with all the comforts and necessities I need.

My resolutions for 2014 include living a healthy lifestyle foremost, publishing my sequel, and writing book number three. 

My wish for everyone out there is for health, laughter, and love.

My challenge to all my writer friends, today is day one of a 365 page book. One page a day is all you need to write to complete that novel this year. 

Keep on keeping on writing!

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